Sunday, September 5, 2010

Universal Human Rights

The purpose and need for activating our united human race community starts with the recognition that the continuing corporate globalization process has not yet established and has no intention of establishing a representative structure, which represents our Human Rights and freedoms or the earth's environmental survival in the emerging global society.

One major dilemma we face as a human race is dealing with the approximately 2% of power seeking people who set the course for how our societies and the world function.  That 2% is always maneuvering to gain more powers allowing them to dictate how the other 98% of us exist.  Generally, the 2% have no concern for human life while feeling they are entitled to use any forceful means necessary to achieve their goals.  We should take note that with all the powers the 2% have had through out history we have never witnessed that 2% suggesting or pursuing any legal entitlement for the people's Human Rights.  When the opportunity presented itself 60 years ago it was the 2% of power seekers who buried that opportunity, thus condemning us to exist in a fear based military dominated world.

Our human race community's overall purpose is to empower the 98% of us with the legal right and means to determine how our societies and world functions, reversing what is today perceived as what that 2% of power seekers want is the normal course for human existence.  Is it time for the 98% of us to take control of our global environment and dictate how the 2% will be allowed to function?

Our united human race community structure provides a practical and natural means where we can gather to develop an active and unified loyalty to our fellow humans within our human race community for the purpose of consolidating our powers in the event it becomes necessary to oppose any unwanted oppressive dictatorial political or corporate policies dictated to us by the 2% in the new global society.

Our human race community has existed throughout human history, although at the present time it is an inactive community not unified or structured.  This inactivity in our human race community prevents us from taking full advantage of our enormous powers of unity needed to enhance and protect all human life on earth within a legally structured system.

As can be witnessed in today's ever increasing chaotic, corrupt, violent, and dysfunctional world, it is no longer feasible for us to totally invest our faith and trust in leaders or governments expecting them to provide for our personal or societal safety, security, peace, freedoms, and most important our Human Rights and the earth's environment.  Governments or leaders are not the answers to the many Human Rights problems we face because governments are dividing factors where unity is needed, polluted with self-serving agendas, and limited by borders.

Our independent, united, and powerful people driven human race community structure will assume a higher legal position than the present governmental structures while possessing our right to authorize legal authority for adopting and enforcing a global doctrine of legalized Human Rights, which all leaders and governments will be legally bound to honor and provide for us.

Our united and active human race community will become the third most powerful force in this world next to God and Mother Nature.  Without question, the force of over 6.5 billion of us acting in unison on our personal common interest issues will easily achieve anything we pursue intended to benefit the overall human race.  The enormous power of our united human race community comes from the knowledge that nothing manmade including governments, religions, and corporate structures can exist or survive without the acceptance, support, and finances provided by the masses of people, who have built, managed, supported, or financed them.

Our human race by itself can survive without the governmental, religious, and corporate structures we created while those same structures we created could never exist or survive without the constant contributions from people; making us, the people, much more valuable then the structures we created and gave life to.  There can be no justified arguments opposing activation of our human race community because its purpose deals with addressing and solving our common human issues on an elevated global level unattainable by our individual governments.

By nature of its unity and purpose, our human race community will only act on the issues intended to serve the overall good of all people equally; knowing we will not naturally unite to pursue issues harming ourselves, the earth, or the overall human race, or create policies benefiting some of us individually but not all of us collectively.

Lets face the fact that the corporate goal of merging us and our countries into one corporate controlled global society without boundaries or structured global law will eventually require us to learn how to think and function as one single human race society in the future; thus making it more logical and much smarter for us to ensure the policies of our new global society will be established and managed by us and not by the self serving corporate powers.

The many future problems facing us in this new corporate global society are going to be; dealing with and establishing acceptable rules for our global citizenship, our global Human Rights, our global Peace, our global freedom and democracy, our global safety and security, our global law and order, the earth's environment, and building the global management structure that values, honors, and respects all human life.  Obviously, the only place with the natural interest, right, authority, and power to deal with these issues is within our united human race community.  Further, our human race community must be activated to establish the rules and guidelines guaranteeing the sovereignty and security of all countries as well as accepting and honoring the cultural and religiou1s beliefs of all societies to ensure a tolerant and peaceful existence within the new emerging global society.

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