Sunday, September 5, 2010

UN Proclaims Universal Human Right to Clean Water

Safe and clean drinking water and sanitation is a fundamental human right, proclaimed the UN General Assembly, settling a debate that has continued for 15 years at the UN.

The resolution, tabled by Bolivia, received 122 votes in favor, with none against and 41abstaning, out of UN's 192 member-states.

The UN resolution declares that safe water and sanitation are “essential to the full enjoyment of life and all other human rights.”

It also voices strong concern that about 900 M people across the globe lack access to clean water, and a staggering 2.6 B do not have proper sanitation.

It is estimated that this is leading to 2 M deaths yearly, mainly of small children.

The UN calls upon all states to steep up efforts to change that dire situation, setting a target of halving the number of people with inadequate access to water by 2015.

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